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Access manufacturer specific PID via extended diagnostic sessions

OBD dash.Pro and OBD dash.Sports gauge can access any manufacturer specific sensors (extended PIDs) using OBD extended diagnostic mode $23, $22, $21. The precondition is that you must obtain the following information in related to these manufacturer specific sensors:

  1. The ECU address which these sensors reported to

  2. The access mode and parameter ID that identifies these sensors

  3. The format of the ECU reply and the mean to interpret these replies.

To enter these information to OBD dash app:

  1. Tap the "Custom PID" button on the Home page, this opens the custom data stream database. This database is initially empty.

  2. Tap the "Add data stream" button to open the 'New custom data stream' page

  3. Specify the make/model of the vehicle that can use this custom data stream. Extended diagnostic queries are different from vehicle to vehicle.

  4. Specify a unique name for this PID

  5. Specify a short (no more than 8 characters) display name for this data stream, this is the name showing on the gauge's name tag

  6. Select an appropriate data sampling rate for this data stream. This defines how often the app should request information from the ECU. For things that doesn't change much in short period of time, like fluid temperature, choose something like "every 5 seconds" or even "every 10 seconds". Reason being requesting data more often than required results to the same reading anyway, and each query sent to the ECU distracts the ECU from its main function, which is controlling the car.

  7. Specify a display string as the measurement unit (such as MPG, 'F etc)

  8. Specify a red line value if you want the gauge to show alert when reading exceed the specified.

  9. Specify the ECU address for this data stream, if this field is empty, the default address will be used

  10. Select the service ID /Mode ID for the sensor, this can either be:
    * mode 01: for requesting power chain data from sensor listed on standard ISO 15031-5/SAE J1979
    * mode 21: request data by address offset , you can use this to request manufacturer specific sensor data
    * mode 22: request data by parameter ID, you can use this to request manufacturer specific sensor data
    * mode 23: request data by memory address, you can use this to request manufacturer specific sensor data

  11. Specify the parameter ID (in HEX) of this sensor. For mode 01 access, parameter ID is a one byte value, see ISO standard for more details. For mode 21 access, parameter is a one byte value. For mode 22 access, parameter is a 2 bytes value (16bit). For mode 23 access, the parameter is a three bytes value.

  12. Specify the expression to interpret the return of the queries. Use the letter 'A' in the expression to represent the value of the 1st return byte, 'B' to represent the value of the 2nd return byte, 'C' to represent the value of 3rd return byte, so on and on. A valid expression in OBD dash allows you do interpret up to 33 bytes of return values. Valid operation supported: +, -, *, /, ().

  13. Specify the minimum and maximum value expected from this sensor. Value that outside this range will be shown as OOR on the gauge.

  14. Click "done' to add this data stream to the database

Batch import extended PIDs from csv file

With the most recent update, OBD dash app lets you to batch import these extended PID from a csv file.

Finding more extended PIDs

Additional PIDs can be found on our extended PID collection page


Convert Scangauge X-Gauge command to extended PID

If you had used Scangauge before and would like to import some of their commands to OBDdash as custom PIDs, we have a free app to help you. You can download our SGII to OBD dash PID app from the app store. Copy and paste the X-gauge commands then click 'Convert' to generate custom PID data.

© 2018 by Fred's Toolbox. 

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